
On 17/07/2019 23:37, Ian Jackson wrote:

23:27 <Diziet> Woah, not sure relaxing suite_re is safe
23:29 <Diziet> Is / allowed in git config variable names ?  I think so, cf

^ the above was prompted by the fact that dgit constructs git config
setting names from suite names

git-config(1) says that git config setting names have three parts:

section:  Only alphanumeric characters, - and . are allowed in section names

subsection: case sensitive and can contain any characters except newline

name (after the last .): variable names are case-insensitive, allow only alphanumeric characters and -, and must start with an alphabetic character.

AFAICS, suite names are only used in "subsections" (e.g. dgit-suite.$isuite.distro) so this is legitimate.

23:32 <Diziet> Did you do any kind of audit to check that relaxing that re was
                OK ?  In the general case such an audit is necessary and it
                would be actually helpful to have two people do it...
23:32 <Diziet> Can you split that change out into its own commit and provide
                not just an explanation of why it's needed but also why you
                think it is OK ?
23:32 <Diziet> There's a suite map thing (see the debian-security config) which
                could be used to get rid of the /

In the meantime I will see if I can do my own audit to see whether /
is OK.  Please let me know the list of necessary changes.  A cursory
glance has found one place already where / would cause trouble; it
needs a code change but it would not affect your use case.

I am far from an expert on the internals of dgit, and lazily I mostly only looked at clone/fetch (since Ubuntu is a read-only distro from a dgit pov anyway); and having stared at the code for much of this afternoon I am more rather than less confused.

I'll rebase the branch I sent you out-of-band to have the suite_re change in a separate commit. The suite map thing is no help here, since the suite_map check is done first (L1442) before suite_rmap is applied (L1445).

Even assuming we tweaked the code to allow / in Codename but not elsewhere, I don't think you could do something like the suite-rmap used for debian-security without having a separate dgit "distribution" for each OpenStack release represented in the UCA - suite-rmap can just put "-security" on to the Suite presented in the Release file, but with UCA you might want "-train", "-queens", and so on.

[I think you could require the user to specify e.g. bionic-proposed-train as a suite and then have suite-map convert this to bionic-proposed/train for the apt source file, but I think that wouldn't be very user-friendly?]



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