On 2019-07-18 17:41 +0300, Md Ayquassar wrote:

> Package: xterm
> Version: 344-1
> By default, the color of a uxterm is black foreground and white background.
> However, I'd like to have it reverse: white text on black background. To this
> end, I put
> UXTerm*reverseVideo: true
> into my ~/.Xresources, run xrdb ~/.Xresources, and reboot. I observe
> no change: it's still black on white as before.

This probably means that your ~/.Xresources file is ignored, i.e.

xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources

is not run automatically at your session startup.  Do you use Gnome with
Wayland?  It is the default desktop in Debian 10[1], and apparently
ignores your ~./Xresources by default[2].

The resource itself is the correct one. When I ran

echo 'UXTerm*reverseVideo: true' | xrdb -merge -

then uxterm indeed started in reverse video.


2. https://wiki.debian.org/Wayland#Troubleshooting

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