On Wed, Oct 10, 2018 at 09:26:17AM +1300, Olly Betts wrote:
> If we could automate "GDK_BACKEND=x11" (or equivalent via the GDK
> API) in wxwidgets that would be a neater way to address this until
> the upstream code is updated to not require X11, but that seems to
> be tricky to do because we don't know if wxGLCanvas will be used
> or not at the point where we need to do this.  Forcing X11 for all
> apps using the gtk3 flavour of wxwidgets3.0 seems a bad idea.

It occurs to me that we could add the code to force X11 so that it
activates when the libwx_gtk3u_gl-3.0.so is loaded.  If the app is
linked to that library that makes it very likely wxGLCanvas will
be used, and if it isn't linked to that library, it won't be.

I tend to think this is probably better handled by adding workaround
code to affected apps though - they'll need it to work under Wayland
on other distros after all.


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