On 2019-07-20 19:56 +0300, Md Ayquassar wrote:

> So, would
> $ cat .Xdefaults
> UXTerm*reverseVideo: true
> and a reboot be sufficient? Without rebooting, there is no effect so
> far.

That's strange, it should take effect whenever you launch a new uxterm.
Do you run xterm on a different machine than your desktop?

> As for
> the startup files, I am not aware of any user-level user ones beyond .xinitrc,
> ~/.Xresources and ~/.config/autostart/*desktop, and all of them seem to be
> ignored in Wayland (though, you may prove me wrong).

The first two are definitely ignored, the third ought to work, I think.
However, I don't use Gnome and the only Wayland experience I ever had
was with Weston.

> As for closing the bug report, I see your point. Of course, if you are a 
> Debian
> person, you have all the rights to maintain the bug database as Debian would 
> like
> it. However, as of now the issue seems to be a wish for a useful piece of
> functionality to be restored after exchanging one piece of software with 
> another
> one. So, I'd be happy to see the report marked as "wishlist" rather than 
> closed,
> simply to keep track that the issue is ongoing.

There will be nobody who tracks the issue if it remains assigned to
xterm, so that point is rather moot.  You could file a wishlist bug for
mutter instead and link to the Gnome gitlab issue I gave you.

BTW, instead of reverseVideo you may want to set the Foreground and
Background resources.


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