Control: reassign -1 appstream

On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 07:39:10PM +0200, Jo Drexl wrote:
> Package: apt
> Version: 1.4.9
> Severity: normal
> Tags: patch
> Dear Maintainer,
> on running apt-get update, sometimes the AppStream subprocess returns an
> error:
> The AppStream system cache was updated, but some errors were detected,
> which might lead to missing metadata. Refer to the verbose log for more
> information.
> Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
> E: Problem executing scripts APT::Update::Post-Invoke-Success 'if
> /usr/bin/test -w /var/cache/app-info -a -e /usr/bin/appstreamcli; then
> appstreamcli refresh-cache > /dev/null; fi'
> E: Sub-process returned an error code
> I've seen this error being persistent on some machines, while others
> were thrown off repeatedly. A popular suggestion on the internet is to
> comment out the test statement and proceed without a refreshed appstream
> cache, which seems to work, so I suggest this being rolled out at least
> to Debian Stretch.
> FYI: Writing this from a freshly installed Debian Stretch, which now
> undergoes another dist-upgrade test for me to report the bugs I've seen
> on other machines and am able to reproduce here.

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