[2019-07-21 14:49] Vincent Bernat <ber...@debian.org>
>  ❦ 19 juillet 2019 13:02 +00, Dmitry Bogatov <kact...@debian.org>:
> > Unless it is false-positive, it constitutes violation of FHS, so it
> > warrants "warning" severity.
> As stated earlier, there is a large gap on language between manual
> section definitions and definition for sbin/bin:
> hier(7) says:
>       /sbin  Like /bin, this directory holds commands needed to boot the 
> system, but which  are  usually
>              not executed by normal users.
>       /usr/sbin
>              This  directory contains program binaries for system 
> administration which are not es‐
>              sential for the boot process, for mounting /usr, or for system 
> repair.
> man-pages(7) says:
>       1 User commands (Programs)
>                  Those commands that can be executed by the user from within 
> a shell.
>       8 System management commands
>                  Commands like mount(8), many of which only root can execute.
> Also, "fixing" this means renaming a manual page and patching the various
> references to it.

I do not see large gap between "System management commands" and
"binaries for system administration". So I still claim that this is FHS
violation. But...

... I have to admit that fixing this warning, especially with
non-cooperative upstream (e.g #932438) causes major pain.

So okay, let us drop severity to "info" with long description a-la

        binary in /sbin and manpage in section 1 is likely contitutes
        violation of FHS. Please discuss this matter with upstream.
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