
I was also hit by this bug after upgrading yesterday (it has been few
weeks since I updated the machine). Just like others, I also had to
downgrade the following packages to 2.02 to get it working.

1. grub-common
2. grub2-common
3. grub-efi-amd64-bin
4. grub-efi-amd64
5. grub-pc-bin

> This means that your GRUB installation is misconfigured: in
> particular, it means that the GRUB core image that your firmware is
> configured to boot from is not the one that grub-install is writing to
> on upgrade, which means that the core image and the loadable modules
> in /boot/grub/ are incompatible and you get this failure mode.

AFAIK, my installation of Debian was pretty straightforward and I
haven't tinkered with grub after installation at all. If anything caused
GRUB misconfiguration, it is probably Debian Installer.

> This is not a bug in the new version of GRUB; any upgrade at all that
> changed the interface between the core image and modules (which is not
> a stable interface) would have exposed this.  Rather, it's a bug in
> the way your system was installed or possibly in the way it has been
> maintained since then

Provided that multiple people are facing the same problem, maybe a bit
more investigation would be helpful to know more about why this suddenly
popped up, what is common with all these users' configuration, and
whether it is a legit issue, etc.?


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