Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Ralf Treinen <>

* Package name    : caml-mode
  Version         : recent (*)
  Upstream Author : Damien Doligez, Jacques Garrigue, Xavier Leroy, Didier
Remy, Ian T Zimmerman
* URL             :
* License         : GPL2+
  Programming Lang: elisp
  Description     : emacs mode for editing OCaml programs

 Objective Caml (OCaml) is an implementation of the ML language, based on
 the Caml Light dialect extended with a complete class-based object system
 and a powerful module system in the style of Standard ML.
 This package provides support for editing both Objective Caml and
 Caml Light programs with Emacs and XEmacs.
 Caml-mode supports:
  - indentation
  - compilation and error retrieving
  - interaction with the toplevel
  - font-lock
  - imenu

This emacs-mode used to be distributed as part of the ocaml distribution
but was recently factored out by upstream into a separate git repository.
This will become relevant for debian starting from ocaml 4.08 on (which
is currently in experimental).

This package will be maintained by the ocaml-team.

(*) Concerning the version: since the creation of the separate git repo,
upstream has not issued release tags. I have asked upstream to tag the
commits they consider a release.

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