Am 08.08.2011 um 18:53 teilte Gunnar Wolf mit:

Hi Gunnar,

> Upon installing biblatex 1.6-1, my book (which includes a references
> section per part) no longer generates the partial *.blx.aux files when
> being built. My preamble includes:
> \usepackage[style=authoryear, backref=true, backrefstyle=two,
>     refsection=part, block=ragged]{biblatex}
> \ExecuteBibliographyOptions{ autocite=inline, sortcites=true,
>     labelyear=true, uniquename=true}
> \bibliography{seco3}
> So, from the seco3.bib file, four files (one per part --
> seco31.blx.aux, seco32.blx.aux, seco33.blx.aux, seco34.blx.aux) should
> be generated, and bibtex is run for each. Of course, if I run bibtex
> on the core seco3.aux file, the complete reference section is repeated
> at the end of each part.
> Downgrading to 1.4c-1 fixes the problem.
Quite old bug, I know. We didn't work on the issue for a while and then
it was closed b/c the package was removed from the archive. The code
however is still in the archive and could be buggy.

1. Are you still able to reproduce the issue?
2. If yes, do you have still some sample code? The git repository
   mentioned does not exist any more.


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