My use-case is slightly different, but very annoying.

1) user1 logged in GNOME session for a while. 
2) user2 wants to use its account.
3) user1 locks its session.
4) user2 selects 'switch user' and then ...
system is surprisingly suspended after switching to greeter. User2 has
to wakeup system to login.

I've made suggested changes to /etc/gdm3/greeter.dconf-defaults as a
workaround for this behavior:


I understand that most likely defaults will not be changed, because
they were modify to comply with European and American power-saving
Changes in /etc/gdm3/greeter.dconf-defaults have solved my problem,
but other users probably have the same problem.

The problem seems that activity in other seats doesn't reset
inactivity timer in greeter session. As soon as greeter session is
active again (switch user/logout) inactivity timer triggers automatic
system suspend. It would be nice if inactivity timer would be reset on
session switching.

Best regards,
Andrey Skvortsov

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