On Sat, 3 Aug 2019, 5:57 pm Chris Lamb, <la...@debian.org> wrote:

> So, Haskell packages use cdbs calling into a
> Haskell-specific hlibrary.mk.
> I mean we could certainly just whitelist all of src:haskell-*, but
> isn't the entire point of this tag to ask people to move to the dh
> sequencer? Or is it "actually fine" for them to use hlibrary.mk and
> this will just save the Haskell team whole bunch of boilerplate
> overrides with an identical explanation?

I think in the long run, haskell should move to dh as well.
ISTR in the past somebody actually started writing a dh-haskell
"buildsystem" as well, but it had some shortcomings and the thing was
abandoned before it got good enough to be used.

I think you should whitelist all Haskell packages for now: once a dh
tool/buildsystem to deal with Haskell packages is ready, most likely *all*
Haskell packages will move at once, at which point that exception can be

Anyway, CCing d-haskell@ for input as well.

> > > c) The severity (ie. E/W/I/P)
> >
> > I'd recommend starting out with warning.  Some day it might move to
> > error, but I think starting out there would be overly aggressive.
> My experience of Lintian suggests that W: would be too strong to start
> with. Sam, would you be okay with "I:" to begin with?

Yes I sounds much better than W.

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