Package: open-vm-tools
Version: 2:10.3.5-8

During testing, we found this problem:

After install the open-vm-tools 10.3.10 by "apt-get install open-vm-tools" in 
Debian 10.0.0 on ESXi 6.7GA , the guestID and guestFullName are not correct.

---VM Tools Version---
# apt-get install open-vm-tools
# vmtoolsd -v
VMware Tools daemon, version (build-12406962)

---guestInfo in ESXi 6.7GA---
Guest information:

(vim.vm.GuestInfo) {
   toolsStatus = "toolsOk",
   toolsVersionStatus = "guestToolsUnmanaged",
   toolsVersionStatus2 = "guestToolsUnmanaged",
   toolsRunningStatus = "guestToolsRunning",
   toolsVersion = "10346",
   toolsInstallType = "guestToolsTypeOpenVMTools",
   toolsUpdateStatus = (vim.vm.GuestInfo.ToolsUpdateStatus) null,
   guestId = "other4xLinux64Guest", <----------------------------guestID
   guestFamily = "linuxGuest",
   guestFullName = "Other 4.x or later Linux (64-bit)",  

Root cause is the output of lsb_release, which outputs:

$ lsb_release -sd
Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)

But the code in open-vm-tools expects '10.'.

Here is a patch to fix the issue:

vmware@debian:~$ diff open-vm-tools-10.3.10-12406962/lib/misc/hostinfoPosix.c 
<       } else if (strstr(distroLower, "10.")) {
>       } else if (strstr(distroLower, " 10")) {

There is a possible workaround with changing the code by putting these two 
lines into /etc/vmware-tools/tools.conf :

short-name = debian10-64


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