Den 2019-08-09 kl. 03:10, skrev Benjamin Kaduk:
> On Thu, Aug 08, 2019 at 03:16:31PM +0200, Arne Nordmark wrote:

> I will think a bit about whether it is better to leave the akeyconvert
> invocation in openafs-fileserver and make it conditional on akeyconvert's
> presence, add the openafs-krb5 dependency, or move the call to the
> openafs-krb5 maintainer script. 

As input for that, in my case the file servers running stretch did not
have openafs-krb5 installed, only a copied rxkad.keytab, so options 1
and 3 I guess would have left the file servers non-functional (lacking
the KeyFileExt). Depending on the error messages, this may have been
hard to track down.

Thanks again

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