Hi all (reporters on 924360, 901599),

On 8/6/19 5:43 PM, Gerald Wodni wrote:
> I would like to confirm this bug in stable, as I have exactly the same
> issue (dom0 works/xen hangs/error message) since upgrading from stretch
> to buster.

Thanks for your report(s). Sorry to let you wait without reply for some

Unfortunately booting Xen/dom0 with EFI is not something that is very
well tested in Debian. One of the reasons for this is simply that none
of the package maintainers is using EFI.

For these kind of cases, we rely on users who encounter the problem and
who have the ability/skills/etc to help debugging the problem.

I suspect the problem is caused by some intricacies concerning
interaction between grub, xen, etc. There are some other reports on the
upstream xen-users mailing list about this, but to be honest I have no
idea if those are related. The problems might or might not be specific
to Debian, I don't know.

I'm available to facilitate the process, for example by creating new
packages with a specific patch to test, but unfortunately I don't have
spare hardware and time to try reproduce the problems myself and dig
deep into it.

Hans van Kranenburg

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