[2019-08-11 22:54] Shengjing Zhu <z...@debian.org>
> This C patch works for me. But I have another approach now.
> Add following script as /usr/bin/execlineb
> #!/usr/lib/execline/bin/execlineb -S0
> /usr/lib/execline/bin/importas -D
> /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin PATH PATH
> /usr/lib/execline/bin/export PATH /usr/lib/execline/bin:${PATH}
> /usr/lib/execline/bin/exec -a $0 /usr/lib/execline/bin/execlineb $@
> What do you think?

Good, very good. But it will only work on Linux. kFreeBSD does not
permit scripts (not ELF binaries) to be used as interpreters.
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