On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 02:08:12PM +0530, Pirate Praveen wrote:
> I'm trying to update in https://salsa.debian.org/praveen/libgit2-glib
> (requested access to gnome-team)

I sent you an MR [1]: updated the symbols, to fix another build failure.

[1] https://salsa.debian.org/praveen/libgit2-glib/merge_requests/1

> But build is failing with this error,
> meson.build:154:2: ERROR: Assert failed: libgit2 ssh support was
> requested, but not found. Use -Dssh=false to build without it.
> I'm not sure if libgit2 build needs fixing.

Actually, ssh was enabled in libgit2. In its CMakeLists.txt:58, we could
see ssh support is enabled by default.

No error reported on chroot without ccache. When I tried with ccache
installed chroot, following same issue was occurred:

  Compiler stderr:
   ccache: error: Failed to create directory
  /sbuild-nonexistent/.ccache/tmp: Permission denied

  Checking if "libgit2 supports SSH" compiles: NO

  meson.build:148:2: ERROR: Assert failed: libgit2 ssh support was
  requested, but not found. Use -Dssh=false to build without it.

The problem seems ccache was installed and its output path (CCACHE_DIR,
default is $HOME/.ccache) is not writable. It seems Meson detects if
ccache installed and use it [2]..


Jongmin Kim

OpenPGP key located at https://jongmin.dev/pgp
OpenPGP fingerprint: 012E 4A06 79E1 4EFC DAAE  9472 D39D 8D29 BAF3 6DF8


Some notes for sbuild and ccache:

sbuild page in Debian wiki [3] guided me to do sbuild-createchroot
including ccache. I found some:

  * To use ccache, [4] should be done after. Setting the `CCACHE_DIR` to
    writable path is enough.
  * To not use ccache, re-create the sbuild chroot without

[3] https://wiki.debian.org/sbuild
[4] https://wiki.debian.org/sbuild#Using_.22ccache.22_with_sbuild

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