On Tue, Aug 13, 2019 at 12:47:07AM -0500, Carlo Segre wrote:
> If the links ending in *.t1 in the /usr/share/grace/fonts/type1/ directory
> are renamed as *.pfb, then grace identifies all the fonts correctly and
> makes them all available with their proper name designations.  This
> indicates that the bug is in the source code for grace which should add a
> search for a fourth variant of the file name, i.e. with *.t1 as the
> extension.

Even worse: it's split between grace and t1lib code, with an awkward
interface between the two.

I'd *like* to solve it this way but only have a partial fix so far.
I'll poke at it further as time permits over the next few days, and
switch to your update-grace-fonts patch if it seems intractable. Thanks!

Nicholas Breen

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