On 2019-08-16 at 13:27:38, Günter Frenz wrote:
> On Tue, 13 Aug 2019 23:13:38 -0700 Francois Marier
> <franc...@debian.org> wrote:
> >   /usr/sbin/tigercron: 127: /usr/lib/tiger/systems/default/config:
> > expot: not found --ERROR-- [init001e] Don't have required command
> > DIFF.
> on my system the proposed patch removes only the first line of the
> hourly error-mail from cron. The script still complains about not
> finding DIFF. /usr/bin/diff exists and is working as expected, there is
> a second path to find it via the /bin symlink as /bin/diff. I'm also
> running unstable on my system, just with German localization.

That second line can be fixed by adding a symlink in
/usr/lib/tiger/systems/Linux/. See



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