Felix Lechner wrote:

> > I would thus be a -0 on adding more ways of classifiying bugs
> No worries, please disregard the suggestion.
> Here is another hypothetical: What if we separated each check into its
> own package (and let the 'lintian' package handle the overall
> infrastructure)? That way we could sort the bugs according to check,
> and someone working on one bug may easily see (and solve) related
> issues.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding the suggestion here but I likely did not
explain the status quo ante correctly; we were attempting to use BTS
usertags separate the bugs for each check but this was not only a
bunch of busywork it was invariably always incorrect and did not provide
any real benefit for the most common usecases.

Splitting out each check into its own package would have exactly this
same effect that we moved away from, but would actually be more
restrictive. Just as one example, it would not cleanly allow a "null"
tag for potential checks that don't currently fit anywhere…

Further to this, it would unnecessarily really rather complicate the
packaging of Lintian itself in a technical sense (eg. lots of small
packages with a single Perl module needing to be upgraded in lockstep)
as well as "socially" (eg. requiring NEW visits for each new check


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      la...@debian.org 🍥 chris-lamb.co.uk

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