Package: tech-ctte

Hi members of CTTE,

I'd like to bring to your notice a disagreement with ftp masters about adding 
multiple binary packages when the same source package has code targeting 
multiple environments. I have been told already that CTTE cannot overrule an 
ftp master decision, so I'm just asking for opinion of the CTTE. If your 
opinion is favorable to me, it can help me if decide to start a GR eventually.

I was also told to contact CTTE and DPL before going for a GR by js team 

Packages with disagreement are node-autoprefixer and ruby-task-list.

Though ftp masters stated on irc, node-autoprefixer will not be accepted, it 
was eventually accepted and in the archive. But ruby-task-list was rejected.

If I follow ftp master recommendation, node-autoprefixer binary should just 
provide libjs-autoprefixer . But it means anyone installing libjs-autoprefixer 
will have nodejs installed, even though libjs-autoprefixer can work without 
nodejs installed (it will be served by a web server and executed by a browser).

In the same way, ruby-task-list binary should provide node-deckar01-task-list. 
So anyone installing node-deckar01-task-list will get ruby and other 
dependencies of ruby-task-list installed even though it is not necessary. Same 
way anyone installing ruby-task-list will get nodejs unnecessarily.

Alternatively, if I drop nodejs and ruby dependencies, any package depending on 
ruby-task-list will have to add ruby-task-list's dependencies as its own 

Summary of the situation, initially shared with Ruby and JS teams:

Initial discussion with ftp masters (readable via a matrix client):!$

I have to copy each message from riot separately.

Here it is,

Me: please review node-autoprefixer, it adds libjs-autoprefixer binary required 
to replace embedded copy of autoprefixer.js in ruby-autoprefixer-rails

Pirate ‍ Praveen: you have been asked to not do that

me: waldi: this time there is a valid reason
unlike the previous cases

waldi: Pirate ‍ Praveen: no. nodejs as dependency is no reason

me: waldi: I'd like to ask this as an official statement from ftp team and I'd 
like to challenge it with CTTE
should I open a bug agianst

ScottK: Pirate ‍ Praveen: CTTE can't overrule FTP team.
The only way to overrule a delegate is GR.
Just so you know what you're in for.

Gannef, and yes, open a bug.

highvoltage: Pirate ‍ Praveen: fwiw, I know that that path will take you 
nowhere, the ftp teams's advice here is sound and upwards of 99% of DDs will 
agree with their judgement here, it's going to be futile to fight it, I suggest 
you rather find a better solution for the package, that's a better way to spend 
your (and everybody elses) energy

me: highvoltage: fine, at least let this be on record

highvoltage: policy is quite clear on it and there's even an entire wiki page 
on the topic (, I guess if you need 
further records on that, then that's your business

waldi: highvoltage: it's not about code copies. but about adding additional 
binary packages just to avoid one dependency

me: Ganneff:

highvoltage: ew that's even worse

Clint: ...

Gannef: it does sound like a plenty bad idea

And some more...

Bug asking ftp masters for official statement (no response till now):

I think such policies should be applied consistently to all packages (it was 
inconsistently applied in the two packages I refer) and published (currently 
there is no official statement).

The outcomes could be,

a) CTTE agrees with ftp masters in rejecting ruby-task-list source package with 
node-deckar01-task-list binary added to existing ruby-task-list binary 
(currently in the master branch of

b) CTTE disagree with the rejection of ruby-task-list source package with 
node-deckar01-task-list binary added to existing ruby-task-list binary. But 
since CTTE cannot overrule ftp masters, the decision stands unless overruled by 
a GR.

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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