Control: retitle -1 zsh sometimes crashes when it receives a SIGQUIT signal
Control: found -1 5.7.1-1
Control: tags -1 upstream

On 2018-01-10 23:07:58 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> zsh crashes when it receives a SIGQUIT signal while saving the history.
> Thus one loses the session data.

zsh still crashed after a SIGQUIT. The command was "svn log | m",
where svn is an alias to an external command and m an alias to a
function executing "less". The "less" command had terminated, and
I was doing Ctrl-C then Ctrl-\ to interrupt the "svn log", which
crashed zsh. I could not find a core dump.

Vincent Lefèvre <> - Web: <>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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