Le 28/08/2019 à 23:06, Johannes Schauer a écrit :
> Quoting Alexis Murzeau (2019-08-28 22:58:32)
>> I'm using a slow internet connection and, when repeatedly testing
>> a package I've modified with sbuild, it takes a long time downloading
>> packages for dependencies of the built package.
> I'm in the same situation. What stops you from using apt-cacher or
> apt-cacher-ng to cache packages?

I admittedly did not searched for caching solution as I'm not using
multiple computers.

I've used "$apt_cache = 0" option before which worked well without the
need of a server on localhost so searched why it wasn't working after a
sbuild update.
Since then, as a workaround, I'm hand-editing ResolverBase.pm to comment
the "print $F qq(APT::Keep-Downloaded-Packages "false";\n);" line and
this makes sbuild keep downloaded package cached.

I would prefer to make "$apt_cache = 0" works (that is, keep downloaded
packages) than installing an additional server instead, as the patch is
really easy to implement (just add an "if" in ResolverBase.pm, I can
provide an test that patch myself).

> Thanks!
> cheers, josch

Alexis Murzeau
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