I've extracted the two .deb files and compared the results.

The only different file between the two (with the same name and path) is
indeed src.zip. Extracting the two src.zip files and comparing the
result with 'diff -rq' shows no differences, but examining the directory
listings shows different timestamps; that file contains three RTF files
(apparently API documentation, et cetera, not actual source), and
they're timestamped four minutes apart, on the date of the automated
binNMU rebuild carried out on the buildd.

Similar timestamp differences exist in other files in the two .debs. I'm
guessing that perhaps the necessary differences in the ZIP file to
record the different timestamps are what is causing this failure.

Comparing the two ZIP files with vbindiff shows a total of six bytes
different, scattered across the file; they are all a change between 0xA3
and 0x25. If each file's timestamp is recorded in two places in the
file, that could fit with these being timestamps; I'm not sure how a
difference of four minutes could result in a timestamp difference of
0x7E (126), but I can imagine I just haven't thought it through all the

Do the files in these two ZIPs really need to be compressed? If so, is
there a way to generate the files differently so that they don't get
different timestamps? If not, is there a way to do the compression
differently such that the timestamps don't get recorded in the
compressed file?

/usr/share/doc/liblcms2-dev/changelog.Debian.amd64.gz contains only one
entry, that from this most recent binNMU; I suspect that the analogous
i386 version would be the same. I'm guessing that this type of mismatch
would happen any time this package in its current form gets built on the
buildds (as I believe is now required, with the change to source-only
uploads?), and that this is simply the first time such a thing has

   The Wanderer

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man.         -- George Bernard Shaw

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