On Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 07:27:39AM +0000, Matthias Klose wrote:
> Package: src:namebench
> Version: 1.3.1+dfsg-2
> Severity: normal
> Tags: sid bullseye
> User: debian-pyt...@lists.debian.org
> Usertags: py2removal
> [...]
> - Convert your Package to Python3. This is the preferred option.  In
>   case you are providing a Python module foo, please consider dropping
>   the python-foo package, and only build a python3-foo package.  Please
>   don't drop Python2 modules, which still have reverse dependencies,
>   just document them.
>   This is the preferred option.

Not gonna happen.

> - If the package is dead upstream, cannot be converted or maintained
>   in Debian, it should be removed from the distribution.  If the
>   package still has reverse dependencies, raise the severity to
>   "serious" and document the reverse dependencies with the BTS affects
>   command.  If the package has no reverse dependencies, confirm that
>   the package can be removed, reassign this issue to ftp.debian.org,
>   make sure that the bug priority is set to normal and retitle the
>   issue to "RM: PKG -- removal triggered by the Python2 removal".

This package is technically dead upstream [1], although its upstream
has been working in a rewrite in Go for 2.0 since several years ago [2].

> - If the package has still many users (popcon >= 300), or is needed to
>   build another package which cannot be removed, document that by
>   adding the "py2keep" user tag (not replacing the py2remove tag),
>   using the debian-pyt...@lists.debian.org user.  Also any
>   dependencies on an unversioned python package (python, python-dev)
>   must not be used, same with the python shebang.  These have to be
>   replaced by python2/python2.7 dependencies and shebang.
>   This is the least preferred option.

namebench has a popcon >= 300 so I'm hesitant to file a RM bug for now.
I leave it to DPMT to decide if this package should be removed or not.

I think this package is still useful but I don't care if the team
decide it should be removed because python2 is EOL.

1. https://code.google.com/archive/p/namebench/
2. https://github.com/google/namebench
3. https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=namebench

Miguel Landaeta, nomadium at debian.org
secure email with PGP 0x6E608B637D8967E9 available at http://miguel.cc/key.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." -- Nietzsche

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