On Mon, 26 Aug 2019 13:55:11 +0100 Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org> wrote:
> That doesn't answer my question.
> I looked at this executable again and it seems as though its purpose is
> to query metadata about the autoprefixer nodejs library, analogous to
> the -config programs sometimes found in -dev packages (sdl2-config and
> so on). Is that correct?
> Is it run automatically by some piece of Node infrastructure (like the
> way the build systems of some SDL games automatically run sdl2-config
> to learn which compiler and linker options they should use for SDL),
> or is it intended to be run manually by a developer, or what?
> Is there any situation in which it would be run by a developer who does
> not already know that they have nodejs installed?

Since this package is already in the archive I'd like to focus on 
ruby-task-list only and reopen the discussion when another package fits the 
general question.

> > So in general there is two cases I want to be able to create multiple 
> > binaries.
> > 
> > 1. Cases like node-autoprefixer if the executable is useful (in specific 
> > case of node-autoprefixer , I can live without the executable for now).
> > 2. Cases like ruby-task-list where there is more dependencies than the 
> > interpreter.
> I think these are different, and each should be considered on its own
> merits, so this bug might make more sense if it is cloned (split) to offer
> advice on the two different situations.

As said above, I'd like to drop node-autoprefixer  case from this discussion. 
It was mainly brought as a reference to ruby-task-list list rejection and from 
(my understanding of) ftp master position that both cases are similar.

> For the node-autoprefixer case, if we decide that the executable is not
> sufficiently important to the overall function of the package to merit a
> dependency, it's probably useful to compare and contrast with cleancss.deb
> from the node-clean-css source package (which *is* a separate binary
> package, and it looks to me as though that was the correct decision).

So can we focus on ruby-task-list case for this bug?

>     smcv

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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