
thank you for your suggestion!

Am Tue, 03 Sep 2019 17:11:55 +0200
schrieb Ferenc Wágner <wf...@debian.org>:

> Today I noticed that my /home mount is not graphed by the df plugin
> against my expectations.  After too much debugging I realized that the
> ProtectHome=true setting in /lib/systemd/system/munin-node.service
> causes the problem.  After overriding it, the missing graph reappeared.
> Please consider dropping this directive from the unit file.

yes, there were also a few issues raised and a few questions asked via IRC.
The difference between executing "munin-run" and deploying the plugin in a real
environment can be an annoying source of confusion.
But the hardening directives can be of really good use, since they prevent
misbehaving or insecure plugins from causing damage.

Thus I am not sure, how we should proceed.

At the moment I see the following options:
A) make these hardening flags configurable via debconf during
   (I would need to investigate, how systemd units can be configured properly)
B) disable hardening flags and mention their activation in README.Debian
C) keep the hardening flags and somehow allow "munin-run" to use the same set
   of hardening flags, that the munin-node service uses.
   (or something along these lines - it feels really complicated)

Any other opinions?


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