Le 13/09/2019 à 10:44, Samuel Thibault a écrit :
> Just thinking: is that dbus-daemon which is the parent of
> at-spi2-registryd (and thus gives it its environment variables)?  I
> vaguely remember "systemd --user" taking over that role, but possibly it
> misses passing the DISPLAY variable along?...

Yes xauth is installed and e.g xlogo works.

If it was a problem with the way dbus is set it would probably not be
arch specific?

I've tried to ssh -X (which success to start xlogo locally over ssh) and

$ dbus-run-session ./atk-test
# random seed: R02Se0d960b12c7b7375a48b46c8448ee3fb
# Start of Accessible tests
child_pid 11208
Bail out! dbind-FATAL-ERROR: AT-SPI: Couldn't connect to accessibility
bus. Is at-spi-bus-launcher running?

(atk-test:11207): dbind-ERROR **: 08:52:43.200: AT-SPI: Couldn't connect
to accessibility bus. Is at-spi-bus-launcher running?

I wonder if that's at-spi-bus-launcher error out of something? (but it
doesn't hit an error when started by hand)

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