Le 15/09/2019 à 19:47, Brian Potkin a écrit :
> On Sat 14 Sep 2019 at 21:05:24 +0200, Vincent Danjean wrote:
>> I'm under the impression that my server does not give all available
>> options of the server PPD, so it would explain why the generated
>> ppd is so poor.
> The attributes file has
>   > sides-supported (keyword) = one-sided
> There isn't any two-sided printing on offer from the Brother PPD on the
> server. In other words, CUPS (and cups-browsed) cannot generate a PPD
> with two-sided printing in it because it cannot see such an option in
> the Brother PPD. The question is - why cannot this option be seen?
> (media-source-supported and media-type-supported are also absent from
> your attributes file).
> Please look at the Paper Feed section of the Brother PPD. You will see
> the keyword "BRInputSlot". This is non-standard and unknown to the Adobe
> PPD specification. The correct keyword is "InputSlot". CUPS will see and
> act on InputSlot but not on BRInputSlot. If you remove all the BRs in
> this section, cups-browsed (remember, it is based on the PPD generator
> of CUPS) will produce a PPD with InputSlot available. The same is true
> of the Duplex and Media Type sections of the Brother PPD.
> So there you have it. The issue was on the server after all and not due
> to the Debian printing system. This is definitely a valid reason to
> close the report. 

I know for a long time that brother is not using standard name for
standard options, so I've to look at the "Advanced" tab in cups
dialogs to change options that should be available in the main tabs.
I even started to change the PPD to make it using "ggod names" where
possible (and adapt the cups-wrapper-driver to hide this change to
the binary driver) but never finished this work (lack of time).

  However, the PPD also offered specific options that are probably
not standardized (hence the existence of the "Advanced" tab in cups
dialogs). All of them disappear with the current cups system. The
current cups/cups-browsed in unstable are totally unusable for me
on my laptop. I have to bypass them totally (CUPS_SERVER, ...) to
be able to send data with options I want (staples for canon, ...).

> If you envisage upstream CUPS dealing with and catering for this rogue,
> non-free PPD, you need to read
> https://lists.cups.org/pipermail/cups-devel/2016-January/016729.html

I fully understand (and support) that cups must not try to interpret
non-standard options as a replacement for standard options (and keep
them in the "Advanced" tab).
  I totally disagree that the current cups (seems to) makes all
non-standard options to disappear.


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