On 17.9.2019 14.56, Timo Aaltonen wrote:
>> libvulkan1 recommends (directly, i.e. not as fallback alternative)
>> virtual package vulkan-icd, provided by several non-free packages.
>> This is covered by Debian Policy §2.2.1:
>>> "[a] package [in main] must not declare a [...] "Recommends" [...]
>>> relationship on a non-main package unless that package is only listed
>>> as a non-default alternative for a package in main.
>> Related is also §7.5:
>>> To specify which of a set of real packages should be the default to
>>> satisfy a particular dependency on a virtual package, list the real
>>> package as an alternative before the virtual one.
>> Please either declare a package in main as primary alternative, or lower
>> to only suggest vulkan-icd.
>>  - Jonas
> Hmm, right.. maybe I'll add mesa-vulkan-drivers to recommends and lower
> vulkan-icd to suggests, that should cover all use-cases?

Oh, actually I'll make it 'Recommends: mesa-vulkan-drivers | vulkan-icd'...


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