On Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 1:03 AM Alex Andreotti <alex.andreo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Attention, I was using it with a relative path and it worked, the
> behavior change is that it stopped working, I believe with one of the
> two updates below:
 This would be strange, but let's see the changes.

> September 4
>     fetchmail (6.4.0~rc4-1) unstable; urgency=medium
 This removed several patches, all of those merged upstream previously
I believe.
02_fetchmail-mode.el.diff: it was for the contrib/fetchmail-mode.el
emacs hook, no effect on fetchmail working.
03_typo-manpage.diff: it's a typo in the manpage.
06_sni-support.patch: support SNI for servers like GMail has.

> September 6
>     fetchmail (6.4.0~rc4-2) unstable; urgency=medium
 Removed the fetchmailconf binary and its manpage from the package,
this doesn't alter fetchmail itself.

Can you revert to 6.4.0~rc3-1 and check it? But I'm going to update
the packaging to the fixed upstream release. Please test that anyway.


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