Le Mardi 28 Mars 2006 13:33, vous avez écrit :
> Is there any special environment variable set during a bin NMU?
> Instead of DEV we could use that.

No, not really; and I would be leery of adding an environment variable 
specifically to allow packages to detect when they're building under 
pbuildd -- who knows what other uses somebody might come up with for custom 

> Another option would be to have a more relaxed check for the version,
> something like
> test "$$DEV" = "yes" -o "${DVERSION}" = `echo "${UVERSION}" | sed
> s/\(.*\)\+.*/\1/`
> instead of the current:
> test "$$DEV" = "yes" -o "${DVERSION}" = "${UVERSION}"

This would be a good solution, IMHO, and in fact it's what I had in mind when 
I filed the bug.
Daniel Schepler

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