On Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 11:27:26AM -0400, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> in the long description, i would also mention that this module uses
> dill to serialize objects (which is a tremendous advantage over plain
> multiprocessing)

Just commited:

$ git diff HEAD^
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index a1020c2..0d42fbe 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Depends: ${python3:Depends},
          python3-dill (>= 0.3.1)
 Description: better multiprocessing and multithreading in Python
  Multiprocess is a fork of multiprocessing, and is developed as part of
- pathos.
+ pathos.  It uses dill to serialize objects.
  Multiprocessing is a package for the Python language which supports the
  spawning of processes using the API of the standard library's threading

Is this OK for you or do you have a better suggestion?

Kind regards



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