On Wed, Oct 02, 2019 at 02:52:23PM +0900, Kentaro Hayashi wrote:
>  * Package name    : sentencepiece
>    Version         : 0.1.83+dfsg-1
>    Upstream Author : Google Inc.
>  * URL             : https://github.com/google/sentencepiece

> It builds those binary packages:
>   libsentencepiece-dev - Development package for libsentencepiece
>   libsentencepiece - Unsupervised text tokenizer for Neural Network-based 
> text generation
>   sentencepiece-tools - Utility package for SentencePiece

The runtime library package (ie, libsentencepiece) should have soname
appended.  This might be not a big change, but amending this later would
require a trip through NEW, thus let's get it right from the start.

The watch file also should mangle the version, to include +dfsg.

It is inappropriate to make lintian overrides for real bugs (like a lack of
manpage).  You are not required to fix everything immediately -- heck, there
are many bugs that don't get fixed ever -- but that's not a valid use for
overrides.  They're for false positives.

But overall, the package seems almost ready.

⢀⣴⠾⠻⢶⣦⠀ A MAP07 (Dead Simple) raspberry tincture recipe: 0.5l 95% alcohol,
⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ 1kg raspberries, 0.4kg sugar; put into a big jar for 1 month.
⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Filter out and throw away the fruits (can dump them into a cake,
⠈⠳⣄⠀⠀⠀⠀ etc), let the drink age at least 3-6 months.

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