Hi, I’m the (new) upstream maintainer of this application.

I’m a bit surprised by the exact behavior you describe, but anyway,
there was clearly some problems, with the game generating solved
puzzles notably. ^^ So I’ve immediately started to hack a bit on it,
fix some small things here and there, and do some small improvements.
Related to this bug report:
 * the game does not generate solved puzzles anymore (or it’s a bug :·D);
 * when the game is solved on the right (per previous point, by the
player), an arrow appears to move all tiles to the left, and game is
said solved if the player presses this arrow.

The “flash” that has is described looks like something that always
exists in the “master” development branch, but if it’s the same thing,
I consider it is a deeper bug (Gtk+, probably); a not-updated cache
image of the (previous game) board is loaded when the dialog pops up.
Hopefully, I’m working on a workflow of the game that avoids showing
the dialog[1], and so where the bug is solved; if I’m not hit by a
bus, it will be pushed before the next stable 3.36 release.

[1] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-tetravex/issues/3#note_610513

Thanks for the issue report, I hope the 3.36 release (coming in March
2020) will satisfy yourself. :·)

Arnaud Bonatti
courriel : arnaud.bona...@gmail.com

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