OK, so I have now looked into this bug and what these messages mean.

TLDR: comment out those lines and that's what the next release of snmpd
will have.

Those tokens are for the DISMAN event handling. In effect, they are like a
macro that turns on a lot of event messages for a system such as low disk

The systemd unit file and the init script exclude both the mteTrigger and
mteTriggerConf modules. These modules (one or other or both) contain the
tokens that you see in the log. Turn off the modules snmpd doesn't know
what those lines mean.

So why not remove the configuration to disable those modules?  The modules
require the DISMAN SNMP MIB.  In effect a file that converts the textual
version of an SNMP variable into a number.  MIBs in the old days have the
same license as the RFC which is non-free[1].

For newer ones, they are licensed under the BSD license but not the old
ones, unfortunately.

The options are:
 1) Comment out those lines in the configuration file; or
 2) Download the DISMAN MIBs, Debian cannot have them in main due to
license problems

 - Craig

1: https://wiki.debian.org/NonFreeIETFDocuments

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