Control: reassign -1
Control: retitle -1 RM: stx-btree -- RoQA; obsolete upstream; unmaintained; low 
popcon; RC-buggy

On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 11:26:13AM +1200, Olly Betts wrote:
> I think it's time to remove the stx-btree package:
> * Upstream have declared the project obsolete -
> says: "The STX B+ Tree package is
>   now obsolete (2019), because an improved version with better STL
>   semantics is contained the new TLX library of C++ containers and
>   algorithms."
> * has really low popcon - inst:7 vote:1
> * has no reverse dependencies (according to dak rm)
> * last maintainer upload was over 4 years ago
> * I had to NMU for the last wxWidgets transition 5 years ago, and
>   it's now a blocker for the current wxwidgets3.0-gtk3 transition.

The wxWidgets transition bugs are now RC, so in addition the package is
RC-buggy and marked for AUTORM from testing on 2019-10-19.

> If there are no objections within two weeks, I'll turn this into an RM
> bug.

I've had no response at all so going ahead.


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