
Am 17.10.19 um 01:53 schrieb Carlos Donizete Froes:
> Hi,
> The assaultcube-data ( package includes "XS-Autobuild: yes" in the
> header portion of "debian/control"[1] and the disclaimer compliance with the
> licenses contained in "debian/copyright"[2] where It's okay to create the
> software automatically across multiple architectures and distribute it.
> [1] https://sources.debian.org/src/assaultcube-data/
> [2] 
> https://sources.debian.org/src/assaultcube-data/
> If so, could you approve this package or do I need to target something else?
> Thanks!

I believe the only thing that's missing is an email to
nonf...@release.debian.org and ask them to accept assaultcube-data to be
built on Debians buildd network in the future.


I hope they read this email and act accordingly. If you don't receive a
response, we can still upload assaultcube-data but then we just need to
remember to upload the binary packages as well because source-only
uploads won't work.



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