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On Mon, Oct 21, 2019 at 05:17:59PM +0200, Dominique Dumont wrote:
> The data contained in debian/copyright is mapped to a tree structure inside 
> cme. You can have a view of this structure by running 'cme dump dpkg-
> copyright' or get a graphical view with 'cme edit dpkg-copyright'
> The instructions specified in fix.scanned.copyright are steps to walk in that 
> tree and alter the values when specified.

Aha, now this is coming together.

> > Things that I'd find helpful:
> > - what is the general form of these lines?  If that's too complex, examples
> >   covering more use-cases would be helpful.
> In fact, I've found that tweaking debian/fill.copyright.blanks.yml often 
> provide better results. All in all, I've found very few cases where tweaking 
> d/fix.scanned.copyright provided better results than tweaking debian/
> fill.copyright.blanks.yml 

Makes sense - though am I correct to think that fix.scanned.copyright is for
fixing extractions that include html entities, weird chars from upstream, etc?

> I understand that Config::Model::Loader synopsis is for only for Perl
> programmer. 
> On the other hand, the "load string syntax" section was intended to provide
> instructions usable for non-perl programmers. Was that section overwhelming
> as well ?

It was originally, but after your message, it's much more clear.  There's not
nearly as much to learn as it originally looked like.

> In any case, I may need to split this man page... What do you think ?

No, I don't think that's necessary anymore.  Maybe a few more words of
description, and some pointers to the Config::Model::Loader section.  Possible
patches are attached that use the explanations you sent me.

diff --git a/lib/App/Cme/Command/ b/lib/App/Cme/Command/
index b4a36ea..997cc3d 100644
--- a/lib/App/Cme/Command/
+++ b/lib/App/Cme/Command/
@@ -103,6 +103,13 @@ Update a configuration file. The update is done scanning external resource. For
 the update of dpkg-copyright is done by scanning the headers of source files. (Actually, only
 dpkg-copyright model currently supports updates)
+The data contained in debian/copyright is mapped to a tree structure inside cme. You can have
+a view of this structure by running 'cme dump dpkg-copyright' or get a graphical view with
+'cme edit dpkg-copyright'.
+Sometimes the output will need adjusting.  See the section "Tweak results" in
+Config::Model::Dpkg::Copyright for ways to control cme's output.
    cme update dpkg-copyright
diff --git a/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/ b/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/
index 961cc360..272734c0 100644
--- a/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/
+++ b/lib/Config/Model/Dpkg/
@@ -423,8 +423,14 @@ based on comments, the result is sometimes lackluster. Your may
 specify instruction to alter or set specific copyright entries in
 C<debian/fix.scanned.copyright> file
 (or C<< debian/<source-package>.fix.scanned.copyright >>).
-Each line of this file will be handled
-by L<Config::Model::Loader> to modify copyright information.
+cme stores the copyright information in a tree.  Entries in
+fix.scanned.copyright provide instructions for traversing the cme tree
+and modifying entries.  You can have a view of debian/copyright file
+translated in this syntax by running 'cme dump --format cml
+dpkg-copyright'.  Each line of this file will be handled by
+L<Config::Model::Loader> to modify copyright information; the full
+syntax is documented in the "load string syntax" section.
 =head2 Example
@@ -464,6 +470,12 @@ Here's another more complex example:
  # and modify the copyright entry with a Perl substitution
  ! Files:~/^3rdparty/ Copyright=~s/@/(at)/
+Sometimes, you might want to find an entry that spans multiple lines.
+You can do this by double quoting the whole value:
+ ! Files:"uulib/crc32.h
+ uulib/uustring.h" Copyright="2019 John Doe"
 =head1 Under the hood
 This section explains how cme merges the information from the existing

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