Package: wnpp Severity: wishlist Owner: Daniel Kahn Gillmor <>
* Package name : python-sop Version : 0.1.1 Upstream Author : Daniel Kahn Gillmor <> * URL : * License : MIT Programming Lang: Python Description : Framework for implementing the Stateless OpenPGP CLI in Python The Stateless OpenPGP Command-Line Interface (or `sop`) is a specification that encourages OpenPGP implementators to provide a common, relatively simple command-line API for purposes of object security. This Python module helps implementers build such a CLI from any implementation accessible to the Python interpreter. It does *not* provide such an implementation itself -- this is just the scaffolding for the command line, which should make it relatively easy to supply a handful of Python functions as methods to a class. ----- This is a useful component in building out a `sop` implementation. I am hoping to convince the upstream maintainer of PGPy to build one, and to convince the GnuPG team to maintain one as part of GPGME. Having this framework available should make it easier to get wider adoption.