Package: simplesamlphp
Severity: grave
Tags: upstream, security

On mon nov 4 2019, 11:35 Jaime Pérez wrote @!msg/simplesamlphp-announce/2odMqz63z7k/6zQQeM91EwAJ
> We have been made aware of a security issue affecting all SimpleSAMLphp
> instances deployed as a service provider (basically, using SimpleSAMLphp to
> protect access to your application). This issue has been deemed critical, and
> will therefore need an urgent update. We will be releasing SimpleSAMLphp 
> 1.17.7
> during next Wednesday the 6th of November, at a time yet to be determined. We
> urge all SimpleSAMLphp users to make sure they are running the current stable
> version, so that upgrading to the new release doesn’t have any side effects,
> and to be prepared to upgrade their deployments as soon as the new stable
> release is published.
> The details of the issue are embargoed for the time being, but will be made
> public after the bugfix release has been published. CVE 2019-3465 has been
> assigned to this issue.
> --·
> Jaime Pérez
> Uninett / Feide·

We ship:

 jessie (oldoldstable) 1.13.1-2+deb8u2 [security]
 stretch (oldstable)   1.14.11-1+deb9u1
 buster (stable)       1.16.3-1
 bullseye (testing)    1.17.6-1



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