On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 16:34:13 +0000 Simon McVittie <s...@debian.org> wrote:
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
>     # apt install gdb
> then as an ordinary user:
>     $ gdb -batch -n -ex 'set pagination off' -ex run -ex bt -ex 'bt full' -ex 
> 'thread apply all bt full' --args lpstat
> To diagnose that bug report, a list of dependencies (not just libdbus)
> will probably be needed, so please send the output of
>     reportbug --template cups-client
> to this bug. If your lpstat executable is not provided by cups-client,
> use the name of the package that provides it instead - it might be lprng,
> depending how your system is configured.
> Thanks,
>     smcv

Thx Simon,
I apologize, I have no problem with another newer testing

The issues begin from a machine that upgrades testinig for a long
time. Some cups configurations / dependencies is broken probally, I'll
reinstall it. How can I close the bug report? I'm novice contributor.

I'm sorry Luca.

Luca Leprini                                                                    

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