Package: lintian-brush
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

Please drop the fixer.

We've seen the "Add missing lsb-base dependency" plague spreading
over the archive because lintians previously overzealous warnings.
Finally lintian has been toned down to avoid spewing this advice
which is ralely correct. There are too many corner cases to be
able to do this correctly that you're likely to spend eternity
trying to fix up your fixer. We'll then need another eternity to get rid
of all the (incorrect) lsb-base dependencies again.

I noticed you where doing this because I got CC of
which is clearly incorrect. The dbus package ships a native systemd
service which shadows the init script and thus there's no need for
a lsb-base dependency. (If you want me to guess the problem I would
assume your  fixer looks at the source package and if it finds
debian/*.init it assumes there must also be a matching debian/*.service
but forgets that the service might actually be installed by upstreams
build system.)

If you want another example of a corner case you could look at the
util-linux package. It ships an init script. It doesn't ship a masking
systemd service! Shouldn't it have a lsb-base dependency? No. The init
script is masked because another package provides the masking symlink.

You'll never find all corner cases and your fixer is likely to do more
harm than good.

Please instead consider writing a fixer that *removes* lsb-base
dependencies so we can get rid of all the previously introduced
incorrect dependencies.

Andreas Henriksson

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