Hello Andrew,

On Sun, 8 Dec 2019 15:17:45 -0500 Andrew Engelbrecht <a...@n0r.co> wrote:

> I was able to reproduce and to get a backtrace, which I attached to this
> email.

Your backtrace with full debug symbols should read like below [4].
This seems to point to the upstream issue [1].
Unfortunately I could not find any hint of a solution there.
Another occourence seems to be in fedora,
but also without solution [2].

At least it looks like the pointer "observer" contained in your
gnome-shell crash an invalid pointer.

The crash before in midori seems to be in webkitWebViewBaseMakeGLContextCurrent.
In my test VM I never reached that function.

> I tried clearing out the ~/.config/midori/ directory. After doing so, I
> no longer get a crash when selecting the "About" menu option.
> If needed, I can try to recover the bad config from backups, for the
> sake of testing future versions of Midori and GNOME Shell.

Thats maybe up to the maintainer if this is still desired,
as you found already a workaround.

Kind regards,

[1] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/365

[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1642473

(gdb) list 
150     void
151     gtk_action_observer_action_removed (GtkActionObserver   *observer,
152                                         GtkActionObservable *observable,
153                                         const gchar         *action_name)
154     {
155       g_return_if_fail (GTK_IS_ACTION_OBSERVER (observer));
157       GTK_ACTION_OBSERVER_GET_IFACE (observer)
158         ->action_removed (observer, observable, action_name);
159     }
(gdb) print observer
$2 = (GtkActionObserver *) 0x562a598364c0
(gdb) print/x $rbx
$3 = 0x562a598364c0

(gdb) bt no-filters
#0  0x00007fc15234e9a7 in gtk_action_observer_action_removed at 
#1  0x00007fc15234d206 in gtk_action_muxer_action_removed at 
#2  0x00007fc15234d26f in gtk_action_muxer_action_removed_from_group at 
#3  0x00007fc15234dce0 in gtk_action_muxer_remove at ../src/gtkactionmuxer.c:763
#4  0x00007fc15234dd28 in gtk_action_muxer_insert at ../src/gtkactionmuxer.c:712
#5  0x00007fc1534238a4 in shell_app_update_window_actions at 
#6  0x00007fc153432aee in update_focus_app at ../src/shell-window-tracker.c:487
#7  0x00007fc1531ecc8d in g_closure_invoke at ../../../gobject/gclosure.c:810
#8  0x00007fc153200365 in signal_emit_unlocked_R at 
#9  0x00007fc1532092be in g_signal_emit_valist at 
#10 0x00007fc15320997f in g_signal_emit at ../../../gobject/gsignal.c:3447
#11 0x00007fc1531f1364 in g_object_dispatch_properties_changed at 
#12 0x00007fc1531f3921 in g_object_notify_by_spec_internal at 
#13 g_object_notify_by_pspec at ../../../gobject/gobject.c:1291
#14 0x00007fc1513258ee in ffi_call_unix64 at ../src/x86/unix64.S:76
#15 0x00007fc1513252bf in ffi_call at ../src/x86/ffi64.c:525
#16 0x00007fc14f8ccb2d in wl_closure_invoke at ../src/connection.c:1006
#17 0x00007fc14f8c95a9 in wl_client_connection_data at 
#18 0x00007fc14f8cab72 in wl_event_loop_dispatch at ../src/event-loop.c:641
#19 0x00007fc1526263a7 in wayland_event_source_dispatch at 
#20 0x00007fc15310af2e in g_main_dispatch at ../../../glib/gmain.c:3182
#21 g_main_context_dispatch at ../../../glib/gmain.c:3847
#22 0x00007fc15310b1c8 in g_main_context_iterate at ../../../glib/gmain.c:3920
#23 0x00007fc15310b4c2 in g_main_loop_run at ../../../glib/gmain.c:4116
#24 0x00007fc1525ed06c in meta_run at core/main.c:689
#25 0x0000562a53f1e782 in main at ../src/main.c:501
#26 0x00007fc15237a09b in __libc_start_main at ../csu/libc-start.c:308
#27 0x0000562a53f1e8da in _start

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