Package: coq
Version: 8.9.0-1

Hi, sorry in advance if my message is not formated correctly. I'm not a debian 
user, but I'm trying my best :)

I'm the developer of a coq plugin in neovim called coquille. One of my users 
reported a failure at starting the plugin due to coq not being found, although 
the package was installed. We have determined that the issue was caused by the 
absence of coqidetop, although they had coq 8.9 installed.

Before coq 8.9, I could use coqtop with the -ide-slave option. That option is 
now replaced by a separate binary, coqidetop, that I need in order to evaluate 
coq expressions from my plugin.

My current advice to that user is to install coq through another package 
manager :/

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