On Mon, 2019-12-16 at 19:19 +0100, Bastian Germann wrote:
> Yes, I missed that. But maybe you have made up your mind now that
> spyne got auto-removed from testing.
> Isn't it better to have an alpha version in testing than no version
> at all?

As I said in my reply to the bug report, the "no version at all"
scenario seems unlikely to me even if Spyne for Python 3 doesn't get
released.  But it does seem like Spyne for Python 3 will be stable
before the bullseye deadlines hit. And I will upload it as soon as an I
am aware it has been released.

Regardless of what happens I use spyne in my day job, so I will
continue to package spyne for Debian.  Whether it ends up in Debian is
an open question, but I am a DD :)

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