control: found -1 0.8.10-1
control: tags -1 + fixed-upstream

I confirm that this is fixed in release 0.8.11 (the recommended upgrade from
0.8.10 for stable environments). Tested on buster amd64 (by copying the
debian/ subdirectory from 0.8.10, adding a changelog entry, and rebuilding;
no other changes were needed).

HOWEVER, another API (LocationforecastLTS) is being end-of-lifed as of
2019-11-07. This (separate) bug (upstream #16268) is not yet fixed upstream,
much less in 0.8.11. At the moment this only gives rise to warnings, with
errors expected to start no earlier than 2020-02-07. I'd therefore suggest
checking for the existence of a 0.8.12 before packaging 0.8.11 for
buster-updates. (For sid one should consider the 0.10 branch or newer.)
Alternatively, it may be enough to just replace /locationforecastlts/1.3
with /locationforecast/1.9 in panel-plugin/weather.c and in README; will
test this next.

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