Control: reassign -1 libgtkmm-3.0-1v5
Control: affects -1 pavucontrol
Control: retitle -1 Gtk::Main::quit() dumps core

On Wed, Dec 25, 2019 at 6:45 PM Martin Zobel-Helas <> wrote:

> Package: pavucontrol
> Version: 4.0-1
> Severity: important
> When i press ctrl+w pavucontrol core dumps for me.

So, pavucontrol is crashing at  Gtk::Main::quit(), which is deprecated.
Switching to the non-deprecated Gtk::Application::quit() makes it go away.
I suppose this means Gtk::Main::quit compat is borked, so assigning to

I'm proposing upgrading of these deprecated methods in pavucontrol upstream



Felipe Sateler

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