Control: tags 947588 + patch

On Sat, 2019-12-28 at 09:37 +0100, Jörg Frings-Fürst wrote:
> Source: zfs-fuse
> Version: 0.7.0-19
> Severity: important
> Usertags: scons_ftbfs
> Hello, 
> in the context of the change to Python3 also Scons was revised. With
> the current version 3.1.2-1 from Experimental the changeover is
> finished so far. 
> However, an error occurred while building your package. The build log
> is attached.
> Please check it and fix the error.
> CU
> Jörg


Attached is a patch that fixes the build issue.




*** Playing the game for the games sake. ***

Twitter: @kathenasorg

IRC: kathenas

Description: Use python3 print()
Author: Phil Wyett <>
Last-Update: 2019-12-29

--- zfs-fuse-0.7.0.orig/src/SConstruct
+++ zfs-fuse-0.7.0/src/SConstruct
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ else:
 if not (('-DDEBUG' in env['CCFLAGS']) or 
 		('-DNDEBUG' in env['CCFLAGS'])):
-	print
-	print "Misconfigured debug level: Neither DEBUG or NDEBUG appears to have been defined: %s" % env['CCFLAGS']
+	print ()
+	print ("Misconfigured debug level: Neither DEBUG or NDEBUG appears to have been defined: %s") % env['CCFLAGS']
 env['CPPPATH'] = []
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@ def getarch(arch):
 myarch = getarch(arch)
 if not myarch:
-	print
-	print 'Sorry, only the x86, amd64 and sparc64 hardware architectures are supported'
+	print ()
+	print ('Sorry, only the x86, amd64 and sparc64 hardware architectures are supported')
 if myarch == 'sparc64':
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ env.Install(man_dir, '../doc/zstreamdump
 env.Install(man_dir, '../doc/zfs-fuse.8')
 if "tags" in sys.argv:
-    print "updating tags..."
+    print ("updating tags...")
     os.system("ctags --extra=+f `find -name '*.c'` `find -name '*.h'`")
 env.Alias('install', [install_dir, man_dir, cfg_dir])

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