Control: tags 947167 +patch

Patch attached, please apply and forward upstream.
Description: React to mouse button release event like to a press
 The callback for press also called on for the button release which allows for
 browsing the menu while keeping the button pressed and releasing it at the item
 which shall be activated.
 Without this change, the menu is configuration on the release event (the radio
 button is switched) but without the callback, the effective configuration does
 not match the UI state anymore.
Author: Eduard Bloch <>

--- pasystray-0.7.1.orig/src/menu_info.c
+++ pasystray-0.7.1/src/menu_info.c
@@ -369,6 +369,8 @@ void menu_info_item_add(menu_info_t* mi,
+    g_signal_connect(item->widget, "button-release-event",
+            G_CALLBACK(menu_info_item_clicked), item);
     g_signal_connect(item->widget, "button-press-event",
             G_CALLBACK(menu_info_item_clicked), item);
     gtk_widget_add_events(item->widget, GDK_SCROLL_MASK);

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