control: severity -1 serious

tests now depend on python2 RC buggy packages.


On Thu, 1 Aug 2019 09:27:12 +0200 Gianfranco Costamagna 
<> wrote:
> Source: kazoo
> Version 2.6.1-1
> Severity: important
> Hello, looks like kazoo 2.6.1-1 started failing his tests wrt 2.5.0.
> I found two issues:
> 1) ZOEKEEPER_VERSION not being correctly found on the system.
> "fixed by exporting it on debian/tests"
> export ZOOKEEPER_VERSION="3.4.13"
> 2) missing python-objgraph in debian/tests/control
> unfortunately there are some "test_acl" and "test_ssl" failures, such as
> --------------------- >> end captured logging << ---------------------
> ======================================================================
> FAIL: test_invalid_sasl_auth (kazoo.tests.test_client.TestAuthentication)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/tmp/autopkgtest.EU6u1A/build.vPf/src/kazoo/tests/", 
> line 256, in test_invalid_sasl_auth
>     self.assertRaises(ConnectionLoss, client.start)
> AssertionError: ConnectionLoss not raised
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: test_get_acls (kazoo.tests.test_client.TestClient)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/tmp/autopkgtest.EU6u1A/build.vPf/src/kazoo/tests/", 
> line 832, in test_get_acls
>     self.assertTrue(acl in client.get_acls('/a')[0])
>   File "/tmp/autopkgtest.EU6u1A/build.vPf/src/kazoo/", line 1171, in 
> get_acls
>     return self.get_acls_async(path).get()
>   File "/tmp/autopkgtest.EU6u1A/build.vPf/src/kazoo/handlers/", line 
> 75, in get
>     raise self._exception
> NoAuthError: 
> -------------------- >> begin captured logging << --------------------
> kazoo.client: Level 5: ZK loop started
> kazoo.client: Level 5: Skipping state change
> kazoo.client: INFO: Connecting to, use_ssl: False
> kazoo.client: Level 5:     Using session_id: None session_passwd: 
> 00000000000000000000000000000000
> kazoo.client: DEBUG: Sending request(xid=None): Connect(protocol_version=0, 
> last_zxid_seen=0, time_out=800, session_id=0, 
> passwd='\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', 
> read_only=None)
> kazoo.client: Level 5: Read response Connect(protocol_version=0, 
> last_zxid_seen=0, time_out=4000, session_id=144264043061379102, 
> passwd='*\x14\xe3\xae\xa6\x8e.\xa4\x84\xcd\xb6G)\xd5#\xff', read_only=False)
> kazoo.client: Level 5: Session created, session_id: 144264043061379102 
> session_passwd: 2a14e3aea68e2ea484cdb64729d523ff
>     negotiated session timeout: 4000
>     connect timeout: 1333
>     read timeout: 2666.66666667
> kazoo.client: INFO: Zookeeper connection established, state: CONNECTED
> kazoo.client: DEBUG: Sending request(xid=1): 
> Exists(path='/kazootests337e91d9e8534e879c85db206a6560ff', watcher=None)
> kazoo.client: Level 5: Reading for header ReplyHeader(xid=1, zxid=4294967719, 
> err=-101)
> kazoo.client: DEBUG: Sending request(xid=2): 
> Exists(path='/kazootests337e91d9e8534e879c85db206a6560ff', watcher=None)
> kazoo.client: Level 5: Reading for header ReplyHeader(xid=2, zxid=4294967719, 
> err=-101)
> kazoo.client: DEBUG: Sending request(xid=3): 
> Create(path='/kazootests337e91d9e8534e879c85db206a6560ff', data='', 
> acl=[ACL(perms=31, acl_list=['ALL'], id=Id(scheme='world', id='anyone'))], 
> flags=0)
> kazoo.client: Level 5: Reading for header ReplyHeader(xid=3, zxid=4294967720, 
> err=0)
> kazoo.client: DEBUG: Received response(xid=3): 
> u'/kazootests337e91d9e8534e879c85db206a6560ff'
> kazoo.client: DEBUG: Sending request(xid=4): 
> Create(path='/kazootests337e91d9e8534e879c85db206a6560ff/a', data='', 
> acl=[ACL(perms=31, acl_list=['ALL'], id=Id(scheme='digest', 
> id=u'user:smGaoVKd/cQkjm7b88GyorAUz20='))], flags=0)
> kazoo.client: Level 5: Reading for header ReplyHeader(xid=4, zxid=4294967721, 
> err=0)
> kazoo.client: DEBUG: Received response(xid=4): 
> u'/kazootests337e91d9e8534e879c85db206a6560ff/a'
> kazoo.client: DEBUG: Sending request(xid=5): 
> GetACL(path='/kazootests337e91d9e8534e879c85db206a6560ff/a')
> kazoo.client: Level 5: Reading for header ReplyHeader(xid=5, zxid=4294967721, 
> err=-102)
> kazoo.client: DEBUG: Received error(xid=5) NoAuthError()

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